Hardware of Juniper SA4000 and SA4500

This is a write-up of the hardware found in Juniper SA4000 and SA4500 since I could not find that on the Intarweb. We don't use them anymore so I opened them, breaking seals, voiding warranty. Now we use OpenVPN for remote access.

SA4000 SA4500
Motherboard Supermicro X6DVL-EG2JN Supermicro PDSMP-JN001 plus Supermicro AOC-IO-U2G
Processor Intel Xeon 3.2 GHz (maybe this one) Intel E4300 1.8 GHz
Memory 2 x 512 MB PC2-3200R (ECC) 2 x 512 MB PC5300 (ECC)
BIOS AMIBIOS, Juniper Networks - BIOS 4000 Phoenix, Juniper Networks MR Production BIOS
Crypto hardware Yes, on PCI card No
Harddisk 80 GB WDC WD800BB PATA 160 GB WD Caviar Blue SATA
External connections Serial, 2 x GbE Serial, 2 x GbE, USB, Compact Flash
Internal connections PATA, 2 x SATA, USB Serial, 4 x SATA, VGA, USB
PSU 260 W 300 W
Console needs Cisco / Sun dongle Yes No


The X6DVL-EG2JN motherboard is like the X6DVL-EG2, but without VGA, USB and PS/2 connectors.

The PDSMP-JN001 motherboard is like the PDSMP-i, but has a different form factor and with unusually oriented PCIe connectors for the interface bays.

The SA4500 has the serial port and GbE ports on an Supermicro AOC-IO-U2G add on card.

The SA4500 Compact Flash slot is behind the dimple on the back. The bracket blocking it can be removed after removal of the harddisk, which is mounted with 4 screws on the bottom.

The SA4500 boots LILO and then probably Linux.

Adding memory that physically fits does not work - only beep-beep. The box came with 2 x PC2-5300E-555-13-F0. The slots are labled "UNB ECC DDR2 REQUIRED".

Attaching a VGA display to the connector in the middle of the motherboard and USB keyboard to the external port work. Pressing [Del] gives access to BIOS settings.

Installing NetBSD

Putting a standard NetBSD install on a CF-card and then inserting it in the SA5400 just works, except for the serial console. Telling NetBSD to use com1 helps, but output stops when the bootloader loads the kernel. When NetBSD is running, the external serial port is /dev/tty00. The GbE ports show up as wm0 "external" and wm1 "internal".

Here are the kernel boot messages.

sa / webmaster@ / created 2013-7-15 / last change 2013-7-15